In a month filled with discouraging COVID-19 news and the all to common circus sideshow of our politics (which actually provided some good entertainment this week from the testimony of the crazy Detroit “whistleblower”) it is good to be able to report positive economic news from our Memphis market. Earlier this year, Amazon opened its 200 million, 855,000 sq. ft. facility in the Raleigh-Frayser area of Memphis creating 1,000 new jobs. With that facility now operating, Amazon announced this week plans on opening 2 more delivery centers in the city, one in the Cordova area and another location in the Raleigh-Frayser area. In total, the investment by Amazon for these 2 delivery stations is estimated to be at 90 to 100 million and create an additional 750 jobs. In addition to these 2 planned delivery stations and an existing one, Amazon has a receiving center, a sortation center and the recently opened fulfillment center in Memphis. The company also has a fulfillment centers in Oliver Branch and a facility in Horn Lake.